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  • 发布时间:2016-2-1 17:22
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Boxed Ear OSCar KONTAKT | 808 Mb
Released in 1983 by the Oxford Synthesizer Company, it was a unique combination of analog and digital. The oscillators are a digital design with the capability of being able to build waveforms using additive synthesis. These feed into an analogue multi-mode filter design which was inspired by the Minimoog trick of looping the synths output back into the filter's input to overdrive the filter circuits, resulting in a characteristically crunchy sound. It's not a Minimoog of course. It's mostly digital, it aliases, its frequency range is limited and it's not velocity sensitive, but despite these limitations it sounds wonderful. It has that indefinable mojo that is normally reserved for vintage analogue synths and that's why it has a place in the Boxed Ear library of greats.
1.1Gb of content
Download size is 1Gb from fast servers. Detailed instructions on installing are included in the download package.
Stacks Image 309
2306 WAV files (24bit/44.1KHz)
Every instrument is multi-sampled and every sample is looped and tuned so you can play the instruments just like the original.
Stacks Image 320
119 Kontakt instruments
In five categories:
- Raw mono
- Raw poly
- Processed mono
- Processed poly
- Waveforms
发布于1983 年由牛津大学合成器公司,它是独特的模拟和数字。振荡器是具有能力的是能够使用添加剂合成波形的数字化设计。这些饲料入模拟多模式滤波器设计的灵感Minimoog把戏的循环合成器输出筛选器的投入以超速滤波电路,从而导致典型地嘎吱嘎吱的声音。当然不是Minimoog。它主要是数字,它的别名,其频率范围是有限和不是速度敏感,但尽管有这些限制,它听起来很棒。它有那莫名的魔力,通常为老式的模拟合成器保留的这就是为什么它在伟人的盒装耳库已占有一席之地。
1.1 Gb的内容
下载大小为1 Gb从快速的服务器。下载包中包含有关安装的详细的说明。
2306WAV文件(24 位/44.1 KHz)
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