Lynda - After Effects Apprentice 14 Shape Layers (updated Nov 112016)
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  • 发布时间:2016-5-14 23:27
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Lynda - After Effects Apprentice 14 Shape Layers (updated Nov 112016)
Size: 826 MB | Duration: 2h 20m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x800&960x600 30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch
Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English
In this course, author Chris Meyer shows how to create and animate vector-based artwork directly inside Adobe After Effects. The course covers the ins and outs of working with shape layers, including creating shape paths, applying shape effects, and reordering shape operators. The course also contains a series of exercises on creating common motion graphics elements using shape layers. The After Effects Apprentice videos on lynda. com were created by Trish and Chris Meyer and are designed to be used on their own and as a companion to their book After Effects Apprentice.
Topics include:
* Drawing parametric shapes and pen paths
* Creating multiple shape groups
* Exploring Wiggle Paths and the Wiggle Transform effect
* Defining gradient fills
* Creating a swarm
* Blending multiple shapes into a texture
* Crafting and animating dotted and dashed lines
* Combining effects, layer styles, expressions, and Brainstorm with shape layers
* Showing tips for stylizing sidebars
琳达-后影响学徒14︰形状图层(更新2016 年 11 月 11日)
大小︰826MB|持续时间︰2 h20 m|视频︰AVC(.mp4)1280 x 800 & 960 × 60030 fps|音频︰AAC48 KHz2 通道
在此过程中,作者克里斯 ·迈耶演示如何创建和基于矢量图稿直接里面Adobe后效果进行动画处理。课程内容包括使用形状图层,包括创建形状路径、应用形状效果,以及重新排列形状运算符的来龙去脉。该课程还包含一系列的练习上创建共同运动使用形状图层的图形元素。琳达 ·后影响学徒视频。com由崔西和克里斯 ·迈耶和旨在用作对他们自己和他们的书后影响徒弟的同伴。
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