音效下载Wavesfactory Mercury KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2017-1-5 15:56
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Wavesfactory Mercury KONTAKT | 32 Gb
Freddie Mercury'S Fazioli. Mercury is a grand piano sample library for Kontakt Player featuring a Fazioli F228 recorded at Metropolis Studios in London. One year in the making, crafting it piece by piece in order to make it perfect in every possible way. Fazioli pianos pursuit perfection. They’re sophistically delicate but with a very rich low-end and a lot of body resonance.
Mercury was recorded by Grammy Award winning Paul B. Norris with 5 mic positions from ultra-close to room sound for maximum versatility. It sounds warm and very emotional. Perfect for intimate low-key tracks, but it’s also very punchy and aggressive on high velocities. A combination that you don’t find usually on piano libraries.
It has been captured with so much detail and depth that you can make it sound in a million different ways and still sound natural, but it will always retain the character. Mercury can be a big monster library or light-weighted since one microphone only uses ~300MB of RAM. With realism in mind and all the possible features that we could think of including soft pedalling, una corda, sostenuto, sympathetic resonance, microtuning…
它已被抓获与这么多的细节和深度,你可以做到100万不同的声音和仍然听起来自然,但它总是能保持它的字符。汞可以是一个大怪物类库或光加权自一个麦克风只使用~ 300 MB的RAM。现实主义在头脑中的与所有可能的功能,我们能想到的包括软蹬踏,unacorda、持续、交感神经共振、microtuning...
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