音效下载Kirk Hunter Studios Concert Strings 3 KONTAKT
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Kirk Hunter Studios Concert Strings 3 KONTAKT | 8.74 Gb
After the 2014 release of Spotlight Solo Strings, which included 4 individual players, the idea came to create a library that could address even more; up to 16. Enter Concert Strings 3 which is comprised of up to 16 individual, separately-recorded players. 16 1st Violins, 16 2nd Violins, 16 Violas, 16 Cellos, 16 Basses. The unique advantages of using individual players was easy to see; the ability to create various section sizes. For example, in the 1st violins, you can create anything from a small "studio" section of four 1st violins, or call up a large ensemble of 16 1st violins.
Concert Strings 3 uses up to 16 different players in each instrument. Each player was recorded separately and is additionally programmed in its own group in Kontakt. Therefore, it is possible to implement a true divisi when chords are played. This means that no matter how many notes you play in a chord, no more than 16 players (depending on the instrument) will sound. The result avoids what would normally sound “bloated” and loud in other string libraries. Additionally, it enables you to write a chord in your score on one track with the proper results.
音乐会字符串3使用每种乐器的达16 个不同的球员。每个玩家分别进行记录和另外列入其自己的组中开播。因此,它是可能时演奏的和弦是实施真正的审判庭。这意味着无论你在一个和弦中发挥多少个音符,不超过16玩家(由于仪器)将听起来。结果避免了什么会通常听起来"臃肿"和大声其他字符串库中。另外,它使您可以编写一个和弦中你的分数在一个轨道上与适当的结果。
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