
tag 标签: 3DMotive


版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
3DMotive - Hand Painted Enviro Texturing Volume 1-3 attach_img 插画手绘 教程-素材 2014-10-8 1 673 零先生 2016-10-28 11:08 AM
3DMotive - Create GUIs in Gamemaker Studio attach_img 其他2D 教程-素材 2015-2-28 0 591 教程-素材 2015-2-28 11:54 PM
3DMotive - 3ds max 快艇建模教程1-3季 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2015-5-26 1 800 大雄08 2017-12-14 11:21 AM
3DMotive - The Radio Modeling Series Volume 1-3 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-12-8 1 582 mmbk007 2021-9-12 10:09 AM
3DMotive - Next-Gen Weapon Texturing Volume 1-4 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-9-25 1 733 mmbk007 2019-9-24 07:00 PM
3DMotive - Next-Gen Weapon Modeling Volume 1-4 attach_img 3dsmax 教程-素材 2014-3-26 1 621 flyfoy 2021-10-7 01:25 PM
3DMotive - UV Unwrapping in Maya attach_img maya 教程-素材 2015-3-1 0 444 教程-素材 2015-3-1 12:04 AM
3DMotive - Bipedal Rigging Series Part 2 attach_img maya 教程-素材 2015-2-28 0 526 教程-素材 2015-2-28 11:51 PM
3DMotive - Drone Modeling Volume 1+2 attach_img maya 教程-素材 2014-12-1 1 781 ljmin18 2018-11-6 03:03 PM
3DMotive - Hand Painted Enviro Texturing Volume 1-3 attach_img maya 教程-素材 2014-10-8 1 798 翎汐洛 2016-6-25 12:04 AM
3DMotive - Modular Building in Unity and Blender Volume 1-3 attach_img Unity 3d 教程-素材 2014-10-8 1 953 申温清-Hill 2018-1-27 12:37 AM
3DMotive - Creating a Puzzle Game in Unity Volume 1-5 attach_img Unity 3d 教程-素材 2014-10-8 4 863 flyfoy 2018-2-1 09:50 PM
3dmotive - Cascade Beginners Guide - vol1-3 attach_img Unreal Engine/UDK 教程-素材 2015-2-10 0 795 教程-素材 2015-2-10 12:37 PM
3DMotive - CryEngine 孤岛引擎关卡设计教程 1-3期 attach_img CryENGINE 教程-素材 2015-5-26 5 1274 tchq 2020-12-30 03:21 PM
3DMotive - 艺术家使用Blender教程Volume 1-5 attach_img blender 教程-素材 2014-12-8 0 501 教程-素材 2014-12-8 02:45 PM
3DMotive - 机甲头部建模系列第1-3卷 attach_img ZBrush 教程-素材 2015-5-26 2 621 mmbk007 2020-4-29 08:00 PM
3DMotive - Stylized Character Texturing Volume 1-3 attach_img ZBrush 教程-素材 2015-2-10 1 563 mmbk007 2019-10-26 08:13 AM
3DMotive - Stylized Character Modeling Volume 1-3 attach_img ZBrush 教程-素材 2015-2-10 1 609 mmbk007 2020-4-30 07:50 PM
3Dmotive - Monster Sculpt Cthulu Volume 1-3 attach_img ZBrush 教程-素材 2015-2-10 1 733 mmbk007 2020-4-30 07:52 PM
3DMotive - Organic Polypainting in ZBrush Volume 1-3 attach_img ZBrush 教程-素材 2015-1-30 1 711 mmbk007 2019-10-26 08:16 AM


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