SG/Premeire高级视频调色教程 Pluralsight – Advanced Color Grading in Adobe SpeedGra
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SG/Premeire高级视频调色教程 Pluralsight – Advanced Color Grading in Adobe SpeedGrade CC and Premiere Pro CC
介绍Premiere Pro CC 2015和SpeedGrade CC 2015中视频调色的基本步骤和常用工具的使用方法,如果使用LUT色彩面板,对不同摄像机素材的处理方法等
In this advanced course you will go beyond the fundamentals of video editing by learning how to isolate color into primary and secondary layers for pixel-perfect tone correction. This will allow you to create powerfully effective imagery that cannot be done inside of Premiere Pro alone. First, you will learn how to properly analyze, monitor, and easily manipulate color inside of your Premiere Pro video edits to successfully produce broadcast friendly content that can be aired on television. Next, you will leverage the power of LUT (look up table) files inside of Premiere Pro CC (2015) and carry that information over to Adobe SpeedGrade by using the power of Adobe’s Direct Link inside of the Creative Cloud platform. This will allow you to perform complex color corrections in seconds. Finally, you will understand how to process R3D (REDCAM) and RAW video footage inside of SpeedGrade by using EDL files, IRCP files, and Direct Link from Premiere Pro for optimal pixel perfect color flexibility. When you’re finished with this color correction and grading course, you’ll not only know how to create the popular “Pleasantville effect” with objects in your video content, but also how to manipulate the color of moving objects by performing auto-tracking with masks around your subjects.
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