英文视频4D灯光照明全面字幕教程 Lynda.com - Studio Lighting in CINEMA
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0.introduction 01. Welcome.mp4 7040537
0.introduction 01. Welcome.srt 1558
0.introduction 02. Using the exercise files.mp4 4109588
0.introduction 02. Using the exercise files.srt 3122
1.Important lighting concepts 01. Describing light.mp4 6979603
1.Important lighting concepts 01. Describing light.srt 6606
1.Important lighting concepts 02. Differences between real light and the CINEMA 4D default light.mp4 10057094
1.Important lighting concepts 02. Differences between real light and the CINEMA 4D default light.srt 5211
2.Creating a studio lighting kit 01. Modeling a seamless backdrop.mp4 24173999
2.Creating a studio lighting kit 01. Modeling a seamless backdrop.srt 10925
2.Creating a studio lighting kit 02. Creating a better default light.mp4 14119309
2.Creating a studio lighting kit 02. Creating a better default light.srt 7322
2.Creating a studio lighting kit 03. Identifying common studio lights and their CINEMA 4D equivalents.mp4 20488756
2.Creating a studio lighting kit 03. Identifying common studio lights and their CINEMA 4D equivalents.srt 8494
3.Lighting diffuse objects 01. Using light direction to reveal form.mp4 24670130
3.Lighting diffuse objects 01. Using light direction to reveal form.srt 9931
3.Lighting diffuse objects 02. Adjusting light hardness to make textures pop.mp4 17271782
3.Lighting diffuse objects 02. Adjusting light hardness to make textures pop.srt 7263
3.Lighting diffuse objects 03. Top lighting a white subject on a white background.mp4 17822492
3.Lighting diffuse objects 03. Top lighting a white subject on a white background.srt 8001
4.Lighting reflective objects 01. Understanding how reflective objects react to light.mp4 20017695
4.Lighting reflective objects 01. Understanding how reflective objects react to light.srt 7953
4.Lighting reflective objects 02. Rendering reflective objects on a dark background.mp4 20774881
4.Lighting reflective objects 02. Rendering reflective objects on a dark background.srt 9758
4.Lighting reflective objects 03. Rendering reflective objects on a light background.mp4 29112025
4.Lighting reflective objects 03. Rendering reflective objects on a light background.srt 12348
4.Lighting reflective objects 04. Placing reflection cards with the Lighting tool.mp4 15626739
4.Lighting reflective objects 04. Placing reflection cards with the Lighting tool.srt 8061
5.Lighting Transparent objects 01. Understanding how transparent objects react to light.mp4 15516518
5.Lighting Transparent objects 01. Understanding how transparent objects react to light.srt 6973
5.Lighting Transparent objects 02. Shooting glass on a light background.mp4 18424514
5.Lighting Transparent objects 02. Shooting glass on a light background.srt 7705
5.Lighting Transparent objects 03. Shooting glass on a dark background.mp4 17571101
5.Lighting Transparent objects 03. Shooting glass on a dark background.srt 9061
6.Lighting for Dramatic Effect 01. Leaving darkness with spot lights.mp4 18563752
6.Lighting for Dramatic Effect 01. Leaving darkness with spot lights.srt 8586
6.Lighting for Dramatic Effect 02. Separating objects from their backgrounds.mp4 16602937
6.Lighting for Dramatic Effect 02. Separating objects from their backgrounds.srt 7468
6.Lighting for Dramatic Effect 03. Using lights with gobos to draw focus.mp4 11528160
6.Lighting for Dramatic Effect 03. Using lights with gobos to draw focus.srt 6021
6.Lighting for Dramatic Effect 04. Changing light color for dramatic effects.mp4 11569131
6.Lighting for Dramatic Effect 04. Changing light color for dramatic effects.srt 6104
7. Conclusion 01. Next steps.mp4 5865758
7. Conclusion 01. Next steps.srt 3152
Exercise/Chapter 01/02_RealVsDefault 02_RealVsDefault.c4d 214725
Exercise/Chapter 02/02_BetterDefaultLight 02_BetterDefaultLight.c4d 137055
Exercise/Chapter 02/03_CommonLights 03_CommonLights.c4d 162596
Exercise/Chapter 02/03_CommonLights 03_CommonLights_End.c4d 180743
Exercise/Chapter 02/03_CommonLights/ref 01_Naked Bulb_78777529.jpg 1907939
Exercise/Chapter 02/03_CommonLights/ref 02_Photo Flood_162961561.jpg 3560286
Exercise/Chapter 02/03_CommonLights/ref 03_CompactFlash_157987231.jpg 1438347
Exercise/Chapter 02/03_CommonLights/ref 04_Barn Doors_92284832.jpg 2633309
Exercise/Chapter 02/03_CommonLights/ref 05_Softbox_99673121.jpg 415346
Exercise/Chapter 03/01_LightDirection 01_LightDirection.c4d 7372627
Exercise/Chapter 03/01_LightDirection 01_LightDirection_End.c4d 7378632
Exercise/Chapter 03/01_LightDirection/illum 01_LightDirection.gi 803496
Exercise/Chapter 03/01_LightDirection/ref 01_BeachScene.jpg 5139260
Exercise/Chapter 03/01_LightDirection/ref 02_BeachScene_BW.jpg 4287913
Exercise/Chapter 03/01_LightDirection/ref 03_BeachScene_JustHue.jpg 61034993
Exercise/Chapter 03/02_LightHardness 02_LightHardness.c4d 7373988
Exercise/Chapter 03/03_TopLighting 03_TopLighting.c4d 7373801
Exercise/Chapter 03/03_TopLighting 03_TopLighting_End.c4d 7337717
Exercise/Chapter 03/03_TopLighting 03_TopLightingGoal.c4d 7423844
Exercise/Chapter 03/03_TopLighting/illum 03_TopLighting_End.gi 806736
Exercise/Chapter 03/03_TopLighting/ref 03_TopLighting_End.png 2927061
Exercise/Chapter 04/01_UnderstandingReflection 01_Reflection.c4d 269174
Exercise/Chapter 04/02_ReflectiveOnBlack 03_ReflectiveOnBlack.c4d 180634
Exercise/Chapter 04/02_ReflectiveOnBlack 03_ReflectiveOnBlack_End.c4d 204166
Exercise/Chapter 04/03_ReflectiveOnLight 03_ReflectiveOnLight.c4d 359323
Exercise/Chapter 04/03_ReflectiveOnLight 03_ReflectiveOnLight_End.c4d 350137
Exercise/Chapter 04/03_ReflectiveOnLight/illum 03_ReflectiveOnLight.gi 520968
Exercise/Chapter 04/03_ReflectiveOnLight/tex Tablet.psd 4317187
Exercise/Chapter 04/03_ReflectiveOnLight/tex TabletTop.psd 13187078
Exercise/Chapter 04/04_ReflectionCards 04_ReflectionCards.c4d 254205
Exercise/Chapter 04/04_ReflectionCards 04_ReflectionCards_End.c4d 260987
Exercise/Chapter 05/01_HowTransparentObjectsWork 01_UnderstandingTransparent.c4d 258767
Exercise/Chapter 05/02_TransparentOnWhite 02_TransparentOnWhite.c4d 236830
Exercise/Chapter 05/02_TransparentOnWhite 02_TransparentOnWhite_End.c4d 256074
Exercise/Chapter 05/03_TransparentOnBlack 02_TransparentOnBlack.c4d 141661
Exercise/Chapter 05/03_TransparentOnBlack 02_TransparentOnBlack_End.c4d 211982
Exercise/Chapter 06/01_SpotlightsAndDarkness 01_SpotlightsAndDarkness.c4d 273976
Exercise/Chapter 06/01_SpotlightsAndDarkness 01_SpotlightsAndDarkness_End.c4d 253525
Exercise/Chapter 06/01_SpotlightsAndDarkness/ref TeapotDramatic.png 645424
Exercise/Chapter 06/01_SpotlightsAndDarkness/ref TeapotNeutral.png 1663527
Exercise/Chapter 06/02_CreatingSeparation 02_CreatingSeparation.c4d 21526472
Exercise/Chapter 06/02_CreatingSeparation 02_CreatingSeparation_End.c4d 21530417
Exercise/Chapter 06/02_CreatingSeparation/ref Flat.png 2494777
Exercise/Chapter 06/02_CreatingSeparation/ref Separated.png 2579765
Exercise/Chapter 06/03_DrawingFocus 03_DrawingFocus.c4d 306883
Exercise/Chapter 06/03_DrawingFocus 03_DrawingFocus_end.c4d 351237
Exercise/Chapter 06/03_DrawingFocus/tex GothicWindowGobo.jpg 185344
Exercise/Chapter 06/04_LightColor 04_LightColor.c4d 213558
Exercise/Chapter 06/04_LightColor 04_LightColor_End.c4d 239279
Exercise/Chapter 06/04_LightColor/illum 04_LightColor.gi 429114
Exercise/Chapter 06/04_LightColor/ref 04_LightColor_Goal.png 908510
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Backdrops Backdrop (1.5m x 1m x 1m).c4d 180548
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Backdrops Seamless Backdrop (1.5m x 1m x 1m).c4d 134050
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Cameras Camera (1m Stage).c4d 23522
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Lights Disc Light (Bottom).c4d 25541
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Lights Point Light (Top).c4d 25887
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Lights Point Light.c4d 25887
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Lights Softbox.c4d 25879
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Lights Spot (Round).c4d 25889
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Lights Spot (Square).c4d 25891
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Modifiers Gothic Window Gobo.c4d 172647
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Modifiers Reflection Card Grid.c4d 37877
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Modifiers/tex GothicWindowGobo.jpg 185344
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Modifiers/tex GothicWindowGobo.psd 2712614
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects Aluminum Can.c4d 229471
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects GlassTeapot.c4d 175501
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects Jewelry Box.c4d 248056
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects Juice Glass.c4d 123873
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects Space Rock.c4d 7266973
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects Sphere (White Plastic).c4d 111491
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects tablet.c4d 351806
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects/tex can_bump.png 76657
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects/tex Tablet.psd 4317187
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects/tex TabletTop.psd 13187078
Exercise/Studio Lighting Kit/Subjects/tex WoodGrain.jpg 10622690

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精彩评论 20

西堂小五 发表于 2015-8-1 19:38:26 | 只看该作者
任中华 发表于 2015-8-8 05:51:29 | 只看该作者
xiaolizt 发表于 2016-1-13 02:16:51 | 只看该作者
[精品[云盘]] 英文视频4D灯光照明全面字幕教程 Lynda.com - Studio Lighting in CINEMA
whizzart 发表于 2016-5-7 09:22:14 | 只看该作者
xiaolizt 发表于 2016-1-13 02:16
[精品[云盘]] 英文视频4D灯光照明全面字幕教程 Lynda.com - Studio Lighting in CINEMA

乖兔兔 发表于 2016-8-31 16:45:19 | 只看该作者
你的大衣 发表于 2016-11-1 15:26:24 | 只看该作者
ygyyhx 发表于 2017-2-6 17:02:23 | 只看该作者
嘴大吃八方 发表于 2017-3-20 15:55:48 | 只看该作者
玉稚衣 发表于 2017-4-30 23:17:29 | 只看该作者
huderner 发表于 2017-7-23 23:44:12 | 只看该作者
shijulian 发表于 2017-8-2 09:21:55 | 只看该作者
LIKESHAN 发表于 2017-11-15 21:14:15 | 只看该作者
卡卡梅龙 发表于 2017-11-17 00:37:53 | 只看该作者
有时候候 发表于 2017-12-8 15:19:18 | 只看该作者
dafeifei 发表于 2018-1-12 23:56:55 | 只看该作者
xxaixuexi 发表于 2018-1-26 16:43:50 | 只看该作者
酷酷的泉 发表于 2018-2-28 11:22:09 | 只看该作者
zzt156 发表于 2018-3-29 17:49:51 | 只看该作者
动画 发表于 2018-5-31 10:08:12 | 只看该作者
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