
SYNTHiC4TE | Oct 07 2018 | 3.41 GB
Launch Complex 2 scripts all the features you might want for sampler based sound design, launching one shots or creating fx out of a sample. It can stack five layers
It has a full amplifier envelope, pitch envelope, two filter prototype options, scaled indexing, filter and pitch sweeping fx, a prototype granular sampler (not time machine ), a suite of real time fx, channel strip and five layer mixer that all work together, and all on the front panel and ready to go.
Because of the feature set, DFD is not possible. Everything must load into ram. SSD disk type and a fast computer is highly recommended
Included in this pack
30 Neuro Element multi sampled instruments
Tone Riser LFX Patch with 30 elements
Noise Riser LFX Patch with 8 noise profiles
Multi sampled Hang hand drum
Multi sampled Balafon
3 Oscillator multi sampled MKS 80
Total 3.8 gigabyte compressed ncw files (can be converted to wav with kontakt)
kontakt and maschine patch documents
audio samples are in ncw format
FULL version of Kontakt 5.5.1 required (NOT Kontakt Player)
SYNThic4te Cont I OT 07 2018 For 3.41 GB
Lunch complex 2 Sripts all the features all the features you might want for sampler based sound design,launching one shots or creating fx out of a sample .It can stack five layers
IT has a full扩充fill enDevelopment,two parter protoypty options,Scaled Indetitter Options,Scaled Indexing,Filter and Pitch Sweeping Fx,a protoypty Gran分子Sampler(not time Machine),a suite of real time time fx,channel strp and five layer Mixer that all work together,and all on the front panel and ready twice t .或者我去。
Because of the featy set,dfd is not possible .一切都变了SSD disk type and a fast computer is highly recommended
Tone rise lfx atch with 30 elements
Nise Rier Lfx Patch with 8 noise profiles
MERI Samled Balafon
3 . 2振荡“旁观者”
Gabyte Compressed NCW Fisles(Can be Converted to wV with Kontakkt)
Kontakkt and Maschine Patch Documents
音频samples are in NCW format
1 . Full Version of Kontakkt5.5.1 Rrequired(not Kontakt-pl昨天)
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Codified Adaptive Launch Complex 2 KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE
  • 发布时间:2018-12-24 04:04
  • 人       气:310
  • 回复数量:0


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