Lynda – Photoshop for Designers: Type Effects (2018)
  • 发布时间:2018-12-23 01:48
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  • 回复数量:1

中间1H 39米1.14 GB项目文件软件使用:PS图象处理软件
信息:扩大你的创意思维与类型。在这期Photoshop for Designers中,讲师Nigel French演示了如何使用高效、非破坏性的技术创建一系列漂亮类型的治疗。奈杰尔描述了如何将字母和图像结合在一起,以及如何用类型说明思想,通常只需对字母表本身进行一些调整。他还分享了制作受损的和痛苦的字体的技术;为你的字体增加光和烟的效果;用藤蔓缠绕字母;制作完全由字体构成的肖像和地图;制作怀旧的字体;等等。Intermediate | 1h 39m | 1.14 GB | Project Files | Software used: Photoshop
Title: Lynda – Photoshop for Designers: Type Effects (2018)
Info: Expand your creative mindset with type. In this installment of Photoshop for Designers, instructor Nigel French shows how to create a range of beautiful type treatments using efficient, nondestructive techniques. Nigel describes how to combine letters and imagery and how to illustrate ideas with type, often with just a few tweaks to the letterforms themselves. He also shares techniques for creating damaged and distressed type; adding light and smoke effects to your type; entwining letters with a vine; fashioning portraits and maps comprised entirely of type; creating nostalgic type treatments; and much more.
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alexlee0a 发表于 2019-9-29 17:43:21 | 只看该作者


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